Until you receive your card in the mail you can set up an online login for Play+ to check your balance and move your funds.
Upon enrollment Play+ should send an email instructing you how to set up your log in and manage your account.. It will look like the below example and come from support@playplusgo.com
You will need the reference number as shown below:
You will take this reference number and go to: https://playplus.mycardplace.com/cholder/ and create your account.
Once you are on this page, you will then create a username and password by entering the number they give you into the 'Activate\Register' field. (Please reference below screenshot)
This will start the process of creating a Username and Password for the account. Please note that both username and password are case sensitive. Also the PIN is the last 4 of your SSN by default.
After you create the username and password, you will need this information to log into the account.
Below is how they can be contacted.
Email: support@playplusgo.com
Chat: https://playplus.mycardplace.com/cholder/brands/sightlinebog/Freshdesk%20Chat%20Link%20Nov%202018.html?random=336.0
Phone: 855-558-0043
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